Thursday, 10 January 2019

summer earning journey (week two)


  1. Talofa Mahina,

    Cia here from the Summer Learning Journey Ako Hiko team.

    I can see that you have been working hard on some of the week two activities, he pai, you've made a good start! Please read the activities carefully to make sure you are actually answering them properly. This way we can make sure you are on the right track and award you full points for your activities. :)

    True or False:
    Well done on answering a few of the true or false statements correctly, ka pai! A friendly reminder; remember that the link to 'cool facts about fish' will help you answer all of these statements correctly.

    Please revisit the site and revise (re-check) your answers, then update your post. I will be happy to reward you with full points for this activity once you have answered all of these correctly. :)

    Weaving a Tall Tale:
    You have told us why you would not want to weave and why you are not interested. Flax does last quite a while, so I wouldn't worry too much about rotting. You can also treat flax to change its colour to light brown before you start weaving. Maybe you could try weaving with a different material like colourful paper strips or plastic.. Would you give it a go? If yes, what you you make?

    I have weaved with plastic and flax before and it takes a lot of patience. One day I want to weave a fala (mat) for my family, we used to have lots in our house but not so much now. I would also love to weave my Mum, sisters and niece an Ili (fan), my Grandparents had so many beautiful ili that had the most vibrant colours.

    I can't wait to see more posts from you Mahina, keep persevering and working hard.

    Toe feiloa'i fo'i,


  2. Kia ora Mahina,

    It is awesome to see that you have completed another week worth of activities. What a fabulous effort as it must have taken you some time. I have noticed that you have not quite completed your first two activities. It is easy to skip over activities and forget to answer them. Maybe you could find time to go back and give us your best answer so that I can award you with points. As Cia said above, be sure to read the questions carefully as we would love to give you the full points for every activity you do.

    Well done on completing both the 'Mighty Mangroves' and the 'Stranger than Fiction' activities. I agree that Tarzan and Maui are both extremely strong characters. Imagine how healthy and fit Tarzan would be due to swinging through the trees all day. I struggle to swing on the monkey bars now. Maybe I need to start practicing as I used to be very good. What is it about these two that made you choose them to be your strong and tough characters?

    I think I would choose my Mum to be the person who I know that is the strongest and toughest. She is physically tough, in the sense that she loves doing crazy events like the Ironman. It takes a lot of physical strength to complete these events but also mental strength. She is also a mighty woman who was a single mum raising my sister and I. I admire her strength and determination.

    In regards to the 'Stranger than Fiction' activity, isn't it amazing that some plants can grown either underwater or on top of the water. This is such a cool fact to come across. In this activity, I really liked learning about the Rafflesia Arnoldii, which is the big flower on the left of the activity. This flower is the largest independant flower on the planet and only blooms for about 5 days. It also has a horrible smell that attracts blow flies. Can you tell me three differences between this plant and one of the underwater plants?

    I cannot wait to read the rest of your activities.

    Kindest regards,
    Megan :)

  3. Hi Mahina,

    It's Leslie here, a member of the Summer Learning Journey team, reading your blog from my home in far away Canada. It's fun for me to think of you working on these activities during your sunny, summer days while I am at my computer looking out the window at a snow-covered world.

    I think the recipe ingredients you've chosen to share are those for a pizza. Is that your favourite food? I can understand that because I love pizza too! Do you ever make it or is something your family orders from a pizzaria?

    Our family usually makes pizza on Friday nights, using our own pizza bases and adding sauce, cheese and vegetables for the toppings. Yumm!! I'm getting hungry just thinking about it!

    I'm looking at your next activity as well, about the Midnight Zone. You've done an excellent job of showing how you solved the maths problem as to how many people would be needed to lift a 500 kg squid. I agree that 20 adults could do the job. Well done!!

    I'm just now reading your suggested names for the green pool in Rotorua. You've come up with some very creative alternatives!! I don't think that any of them would make me want to visit this pool!!! Yuck!! But you've had fun coming up with some words that match the look of the pool, for sure.

    You were asked to put a star beside the one that you most like. I see that you've starred them all so you must have had a hard time choosing your favourite. I can understand that...

    For the activity asking you to choose a Selfie and describe what you think the people involved are doing, and where they are, I see that you've chosen photo #1. I can see why you think they might be in a tournament - they seem to have sport shirts on, don't they? To get full points for this activity, however, you're asked to make up a bit more of a story with 8 to 10 full sentences. If you want to do this activity again to earn more points, adding more sentences, you're welcome to do so.

    On reading your activity about over-fishing, I see that you don't think people should be charged a fine of $100,000.00 for doing illegal fishing. Do you think that amount is too high?

    I think, perhaps, that the problem is that there are areas where there are hardly any fish left because people have taken too many already. If we don't protect these areas, there will be no fish left in the ocean. Fish aren't actually free for the taking - each country has to have laws that protect the oceans, lakes and rivers from being emptied of fish or else our children and grandchildren will have nothing to live on. Perhaps you could have a chat about this with your parents or your teachers when you return to school and you could discuss with them what happens when there are more fish taken out of the waters than are born in them....

    You've got some good ideas for fund-raising to preserve the Great Barrier Reef. Holding a swimming competition would be very appropriate, I think. And then giving people a chance to pay to swim in the area of the reef, once it's 'healed', could be another way to raise some funds to pay for the clean-up. I think that lots of people would enjoy doing that!

    Do you have a 3rd idea? This activity asked for 3 ways of raising money. If you come up with one more you can earn full points for this posting.

    You're working really hard on all of these activities, Mahina. Good for you!!! I'm very impressed!!

    I'll look forward to reading more of your blog!!




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